Taking a Breath: Embracing Self-Care Amidst Life’s Hustle

4 min readJun 15, 2024

The past few days have been a whirlwind — a blend of emotional experiences, demanding educational pursuits, and personal reflections. From an emotionally stirring movie that left me in tears to engaging yet taxing learning sessions late into the night, I’ve navigated a myriad of feelings and commitments. Balancing time in bustling public spaces with concentrated study sessions, I’ve been left both enriched and unmistakably drained.

The Signal for a Pause

This weekend, as I immersed myself in educational activities at the public area and followed by intense long-distance learning sessions running from 9 PM to midnight, my body began to communicate through less-than-subtle cues — excessive yawning and watery eyes. Initially dismissed as possibly trivial or fleeting, I realized these were signals of fatigue crying out for attention.

Coupled with late night dinner on Friday which, while initially relaxing, likely impacted my sleep quality, I was left feeling out of sorts. The culmination of physical and emotional exhaustion became apparent. It was clear: I was overstretched and in desperate need of a reset.

Understanding and Action

Recognizing these signs, I decided it was time to re-evaluate and engage actively in self-care practices. Here’s how I’ve begun to reclaim my well-being:

  1. Prioritizing Sleep: Reclaiming my sleep has been paramount. I’ve committed to sleeping as much as possible, allowing my body to dictate the rest it needs rather than imposing a strict wake-up time. This rest isn’t merely a luxury; it’s an essential part of my recovery and resilience.
Photo by Gregory Pappas on Unsplash

2. Mindful Hydration and Nutrition: Between periods of wakefulness, I ensure I stay hydrated with water — a simple yet powerful way to keep my body functioning optimally. My first meal of the day now consistently includes fruits and calming tea, grounding my morning in nourishment and tranquility.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

3. Embracing Rest as Recharge: I remind myself that this downtime is crucial. It’s not wasted time but a vital investment in my health. Each session of rest is a step towards recharging my energy reserves, allowing me to return to my duties more refreshed and focused.

4. Avoiding Overdrive: It’s tempting to keep pushing through, to fill every hour with productivity. However, I’ve realized the importance of not overdriving myself. Respecting my limits is not only about preventing burnout but about maintaining long-term productivity and creativity.

5. Mindfulness and Meditation: I’ve integrated short sessions of meditation into my daily routine. These moments of stillness help to center my thoughts and reduce stress, providing a clear space from which to better navigate the complexities of daily life.

6. Physical Activity for Balance: Light exercises, such as evening walks or gentle yoga sessions, have become non-negotiable elements of my week. They serve not just to relieve physical and mental stress but to enhance my overall vitality.

Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

7. Rescheduling and Prioritizing: Acknowledging the need to reschedule and prioritize my commitments, I’m learning to say no or to defer tasks that aren’t urgent. This helps manage my energy and keeps my workload at a sustainable level.

8. Seeking Professional Guidance: Recognizing that sometimes self-management isn’t enough, I remain open to seeking help from mental health professionals if and when the stress becomes overwhelming.

Cultivating Joy and Creativity

In the midst of reorganizing my life around these new routines, I’ve also made it a point to reconnect with activities that bring me joy and stimulate my creativity. This weekend, I plan to indulge in flower arrangement, a hobby that allows me to engage creatively and relax simultaneously.

The Path Forward

As I implement these changes, I’m reminded of the importance of living a life that not only meets external demands but also honors internal needs. Self-care is a continuous commitment, a series of choices that respect my body’s and mind’s calls for attention. It’s about creating a life that sustains enthusiasm and fosters long-term well-being.

Navigating life’s demands with a renewed focus on self-care, I am learning that taking care of myself is not just about responding to stress but about preventing it. By listening to my body, respecting my emotional cues, and prioritizing my needs, I can maintain balance and ensure that I am not just surviving, but thriving.

#SelfCareSunday #MindfulnessMatters #HealthyLiving #MentalHealthAwareness #LifeBalance #StressRelief #PersonalWellbeing #EmotionalHealth #ThrivingNotSurviving #flyingmum




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